'Black Dance Days' EP released

Following the May release of my EPThese Days Are the Darkest’  I have released the companion EP ‘Black Dance Days’ which continues where the previous left off. 

Collectively, the 2 releases are part of my ‘Dark Days EP Series’.

01 Depress Me
02 You Loved Me
03 Your Stabbing Silence Is Murder
04 Lie With Me

The combined works, 8 tracks, are more or less an album. I purposely desired to unite the songs by sound, theme and creative approach. It bounces off the works of She Past Away, Clan of Xymox and early Cure. 

The EP is available through Bandcamp

I've also included a video of ‘Depress Me’ with the Bandcamp download. It shows me manipulating the recorded tracks on my computer, muting and soloing sections like vocals, synths etc.

July 3, 2023

BTW, it's encouraging to get positive comments from unknown people on the opening days of a release. One YouTube music channel (@guitarsandsound) approached me for permission to post ‘Depress Me’ . Another channel did similarly for ‘Your Stabbing Silence is Murder’. Aside from sales, few things beat this type of public affirmation, I love hearing from listeners; it boosts my drive to continue releasing more similar works. A screenshot fragment for Depress Me, thx to people who commented.

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